DevToolsDigest: Issue #198
This week's digest includes news and resources from Netlify, Postman, GitLab, and more.
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The Week in Developer Tools
Netlify Introduces New Features and Integrations to Accelerate App Development Across Teams
Netlify is launching a new Enterprise Grid plan that’s designed for organizations with multiple development teams and includes a package of Netlify seats, features, and capacity to run global web applications at enterprise scale.
The New Postman API Platform: Announcing 6 Key Platform Improvements
Postman already provides tools for the API lifecycle and collaborative capabilities for teams. This new Postman API Platform brings together the different tools and processes in one definitive, authoritative place so your organization can focus on generating value for your customers.
Industry Research
The Three “Digital Transformations” (and How to Bring Them Together)
For digital products, very large, strategic, first-party software applications have diverged from the ITOps tech stack, both in terms of tooling and in terms of the org chart; so while there’s software everywhere, it’s disconnected between product and operations.
How Do Authentication and Authorization Differ?
Authentication and authorization sound similar. They’re always related, but authentication and authorization are two different concepts that need to be separate steps in an access policy and may well be managed by different teams using different tools.
Developer Venture News
GitLab Files to Go Public
"Our dual flywheel development strategy leverages development spend and community contributions," it said in its filing. "It creates a virtuous cycle where more contributions lead to more features, which leads to more users, leading back to more contributions." GitLab estimates the current addressable market opportunity for the DevOps Platform is approximately $40 billion.
From the Heavybit Library
Messaging to the User vs the Buyer: Is There A Difference?
Betty Junod has decades of experience helping organizations bring complex technology and industry insights together to reach and engage with customers. Following her popular DevGuild: Product Marketing talk on Messaging as The One Source of Truth, we got a chance to ask Betty some follow-up questions specific to messaging to the user vs the buyer.
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