DevToolsDigest: Issue #231
This week's digest includes news and resources from LocalStack, CircleCI, Netlify, Revere Communications, and more.
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The Week in Developer Tools
Announcing LocalStack 1.0 General Availability
LocalStack started as an open-source project in August 2016, with the initial commit adding support for eight-core AWS APIs, including API Gateway, Lambda, DynamoDB, and a few others. LocalStack 1.0 introduces a whole suite of significant enhancements in the platform, plus exciting new features for team collaboration and stack analytics.
Announcing GitLab Support on CircleCI
Teams using GitLab SaaS can now build, test, and deploy on CircleCI, and access CircleCI’s most popular features like Docker layer caching and automatic test-splitting. GitLab is now the third version control system CircleCI supports, in addition to GitHub and Bitbucket.
Industry Research
The Software Architecture Handbook
"The software architecture of a system represents the design decisions related to overall system structure and behavior." That's quite generic, right? Absolutely.
The Rise Of The Customer Engagement Platform
There’s a huge disconnect happening right now between what customers want and how companies are providing it. The bridge between the two? The customer engagement platform.
From the Heavybit Library
How Successful DevTool Companies Manage Content Strategies
We reached out to folks at companies of all stages and sizes that we think are doing a terrific job at content marketing, to give early-stage teams a better understanding of how to build an editorial calendar and manage an effective strategy to increase reach and awareness, and drive inbound.
From the Community
Jamstack Community Survey 2022
This is Netlify's third annual survey for anyone who builds websites or web apps, whether or not you think of yourself as a Jamstack developer. Results will be analyzed by the Netlify team and shared back with the community at Jamstack Conf, Nov. 7-8.
Community Ignition Workshop by Jono Bacon
What do AirBnb, Microsoft, Fitbit, and many other companies have in common? They have all created communities jam-packed with passionate customers and users. But how do you tap into this community advantage in your business or organization...on a budget...and avoiding the risk of creating a ghost town?
9th Developer Relations Survey
The DevRel landscape is incredibly dynamic, and practitioners like you benefit from keeping up with rapidly evolving industry-wide trends and benchmarking your experiences. Since 2013, Revere Communications has been conducting immersive and actionable research to address crucial opportunities and challenges facing DevRel professionals and programs.