1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #3

DevToolsDigest: Issue #3

This edition of Dev Tools Digest follows the latest steps toward the future of online advertising, sees a beta update for iOS developers, and takes note of recent and upcoming developer-related events.

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  • Francisco Fisher Photo
    Francisco Fisher

This edition of Dev Tools Digest follows the latest steps toward the future of online advertising, sees a beta update for iOS developers, and takes note of recent and upcoming developer-related events.

Developer Week Kicks Off With Hackathon

Companies including CircleCI will attend the upcoming Developer Week in San Francisco that kicks off this weekend with a two-day Hackathon. Those competing will have the opportunity to develop an app from the ground up in 30 hours with two rounds of judging. The main conference and exposition follows from Feb. 16-17.

Xcode 7.3 Beta for iOS Developers

Apple released a beta for Xcode with updates to its Swift Playground testing environment. CircleCI has updated their OSX containers to include the beta as described in a recent post, with updates to tools including CocoaPods, Fastlane, Carthage and XCTool.

Getting With the Times

Time Inc. acquires Viant, the company that owns MySpace, and with it a vast pool of ad-targeting data. In an interview with Business Insider, MySpace CEO Tim Vanderhook says the buyout gives Time “the size, scale, and accuracy that Google and Facebook have from a first-party data perspective.”

More in digital advertising news, Google has announced plans to discontinue Flash uploads to AdWords and DoubleClick by June 30. The process of discontinuing Flash ads altogether in favor of the site’s HTML5 standard is set for January 2, 2017,

Ad-blocking software may keep advertisers from reaching their targets, but Steve Feldman, Senior Ad Ops Manager for Stack Overflow, is ahead of the game. He writes how “anything that doesn’t speak specifically to the Stack Overflow audience is not permitted. We also don’t accept rich media like animated ads, expandable ads, or video, which are the norm for most publishers today.”

Talking About Containers

Those who attended the Container Summit in New York City this week heard from keynote speaker Dave Bartoletti, principal analyst at Forrester Research, as well as representatives of Docker, IBM and Kickstarter and others in the know about containers in production. See photos and other posts from the event on Twitter.

This Week at Heavybit

Lend your ears to the latest episode of To Be Continuous featuring former Facebook engineering director and current angel investor Jocelyn Goldfein. Catch up with Caveat Founder as Russ Smith, CTO at RainforestQA, discusses hiring and myriad roles of CTOs with Snyk.io CEO Guy Podjarny.

Heavybit lays out the role of OKR and KPI frameworks with examples and advice from Sean Byrnes, founder of Flurry and Outlier.ai, as well as Betterworks’ Kris Duggan.

In this week’s Speaker Series GitHub engineering manager JD Maturen takes the Heavybit stage to discuss product development and shipping in his presentation “Product Development and Otherness.

For more developer-based news and content, check back with the Heavybit blog, or browse Heavybit’s Library for in-depth talks from industry leaders on how to grow your company. Is there some news, events or developer-related content you’d like to see on the next Heavybit Dev Tools Digest? Contact us, we’d love to hear from you.