1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #304

DevToolsDigest: Issue #304

This week's digest includes news and resources from PagerDuty, Springtail, Chainguard, and more.

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Heavybit's DevToolsDigest is a weekly curated selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the developer tools industry.

    2 MIN

    The Week in Developer Tools

    Learning from Major Incidents: The Opportunities We’re Missing

    While they are untimely, stressful and likely to highlight communication breakdowns within an organization; incidents can be a powerful tool for learning and growth in organizations. When an incident occurs with a large impact, which it feels like we read about this happening in the news on a weekly basis, oftentimes the focus is on two things: stabilizing the situation, and controlling the narrative. Organizations often miss the opportunity incidents present: learning.

    Open Source AI is the Path Forward

    In the early days of high-performance computing, the major tech companies of the day each invested heavily in developing their own closed source versions of Unix. It was hard to imagine at the time that any other approach could develop such advanced software. Today, Linux is the industry standard foundation for both cloud computing and the operating systems that run most mobile devices – and we all benefit from superior products because of it.

    Industry Research

    Startup Database Trends Report

    Springtail put together this report because, as software developers, they noticed a lack of information about the current state of startup data infrastructure. While plenty of reports look at which databases developers use or admire, they couldn't find much that delved deeper into specifics like read replication, sharding, or workloads.

    The Front End Treadmill

    The last decade or so has seen the rise of framework driven development. For good reasons, and some less so, we've become increasingly dependent on frameworks to help solve complex architectural issues in developing web applications. But as we've noted a number of times the last few months, folks are expressing their misgivings about this direction.

    Developer Venture News

    Software Supply Chain Security Category was Dead on Arrival

    The cybersecurity market is crowded, noisy, and loud. New categories appear in analyst reports, get their hype cycle, confuse CISOs and security teams, and fade away just in time for the next wave to crest. The software supply chain security market is no exception, and in many ways even worse than average.