1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #312

DevToolsDigest: Issue #312

This week's digest includes news and resources from LaunchDarkly, Tessl, Poolside, and more.

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Heavybit's DevToolsDigest is a weekly curated selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the developer tools industry.

    3 MIN

    The Week in Developer Tools

    SQL Has Problems. We Can Fix Them: Pipe Syntax In SQL

    SQL has been extremely successful as the de facto standard language for working with data. Virtually all mainstream database-like systems use SQL as their primary query language. But SQL is an old language with significant design problems, making it difficult to learn, difficult to use, and difficult to extend.

    AI Experimentation for Business Value

    Claire Vo, Chief Product and Technology Officer for LaunchDarkly, explains why organizations need to encourage more experimentation with generative artificial intelligence to discover the use cases that will deliver the most value to their business.

    It's Hard to Write Code for Computers, but It's Even Harder to Write Code for Humans

    Writing code for a computer is hard enough. You take something big and fuzzy, some large vague business outcome you want to achieve. Then you break it down recursively and think about all the cases until you have clear logical statements a computer can follow. Computers are very good at following logical statements. Now, let's crank it up a notch. Let's try to write code for humans!

    Industry Research

    Charting Your AI Native Journey

    AI-powered products seem to come in different flavors. Some are big and dramatic, talking about reimagining the world and a bold new future. Others are smaller and pragmatic, typically focusing on productivity. To make sense of this wide range when looking to build, invest in or use an AI tool, it can be helpful to plot AI offerings across two dimensions: Change and Trust.

    Keeping Your A-Team Together with Developer AI

    How often have you heard, or thought, the following?: "Remember when we were small? We moved so fast back then." What if you could stay small and nimble, but get so much more done? AI native tools can help.

    Developer Venture News

    AI Coding Startup Poolside Raises $500M

    Despite the security, copyright, and reliability concerns around AI-powered assistive coding tools, developers have shown enthusiasm for them. Encouraged by the adoption trend, VCs are pouring massive sums of cash into AI coding startups. Poolside develops its own AI models to help with tasks like autocompleting code and suggesting code possibly relevant to a particular context or codebase.