1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #313

DevToolsDigest: Issue #313

This week's digest includes news and resources from OSI, Lucia, DevRel.Agency, and more.

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    3 MIN

    The Week in Developer Tools

    New Definition of Open Source AI is “Flawed,” Experts Say

    A new definition for ‘Open Source AI’ has been launched by the Open Source Initiative (OSI), though experts say, “in my opinion, OSI continues with its flawed ‘one size fits all’ approach rather than helping to better define the ‘spectrum’ for open source and AI.”


    Video.js has been used on millions of websites including Twitter, Instagram, Amazon, Dropbox, Linkedin and even in United Airlines headrests. In 99.99% of those cases the default Video.js controls were used with little to no customization. Player.style is free, open source, and gives you video and audio player themes that work for any web player (Video.js, Youtube embeds, and more), and with every web app framework (HTML, React, and more).

    Lucia: Future Plans

    Database adapters have been a significant complexity tax on the library. The library is too low level and simple for the burden to be worthwhile. From a maintenance perspective, a lot of database drivers aren't 1.0 yet, and even if their runtime APIs were relatively stable, their types were not. Lucia will be an open source resource on implementing auth with JavaScript. Instead of installing a package, you'll learn how to implement sessions from scratch.

    Industry Research

    The 11th Annual State of DevRel Report

    Developer Relations is about helping developers succeed with your product or service while supporting your company's goals. It's a role encompassing many activities and a balance that experiences many challenges.

    Unlocking the ‘aha’ Moment: Developer Relations for Startups

    DevRel can be a cornerstone of product adoption and growth for early-stage companies, but too often early-stage companies end up focusing on the wrong things. The linchpin for success lies in how quickly developers reach their first "aha" moment—that pivotal interaction when they truly grasp your product's core value and potential.

    Do Engineering Leaders and Developers Think About Productivity in the Same Way?

    Don’t assume that everyone in your organization has the same definition of developer productivity. That’s a common failure pattern – skipping the step of defining productivity, which quickly turns into unproductive conversation as leaders and developers start to talk past each other.