DevToolsDigest: Issue #321
The last digest of 2024 includes news and resources from Stacklok, The Linux Foundation, Databricks, and more.
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The Week in Developer Tools
Introducing CodeGate
CodeGate is an open source local proxy that works with AI coding assistants in your IDE to enhance privacy and security. CodeGate performs code security reviews, identifies vulnerabilities in package dependencies, and prevents sensitive data like secrets from being shared with AI models.
Notes on OpenAI Kubernetes Outage
Last week, OpenAI suffered a several hours long outage and published a detailed postmortem about it. Highly recommend reading it. These technical reports are usually a gold mine for all large-scale Kubernetes users, as we all go through similar set of reliability issues running Kubernetes in production.
Industry Research
2024 Linux Foundation Annual Report
Open source is now a dominant mode of software development. The rise of OSPOs (Open Source Program Offices) is a signal of this and an indication of the need for every organization and government to have an open source strategy and an open source policy to use and engage in open source successfully.
"Rules" that Terminal Programs Follow
There are no real standards for how programs in the terminal should behave but programs in the terminal behave in a pretty consistent way. There are common conventions that are pretty clearly the program’s responsibility to implement but others are not 100% obvious. Understanding which are the program’s responsibility makes it much less surprising when programs’ implementations are slightly different.
Product Management is Dead
Today, AI handles much of the work we once did manually. It’s an accelerator, automating tasks that once took hours, sometimes days. Drafting documents, processing feedback, prioritizing features—these are no longer the domain of the PM. Now, they’re part of an automated assembly line.
Developer Venture News
AI Startup Databricks Hits $62 Billion Valuation in Record VC Round
Databricks has secured a $62 billion valuation after raising a whopping $10 billion in one of the largest venture capital funding rounds in history, underscoring the unprecedented appetite for fast-growing private companies that have seen accelerated growth due to AI.