DevToolsDigest: Issue #4
This week’s Dev Tools Digest looks at the latest on data security, as well as recent and upcoming events and announcements from within the developer community.
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- Francisco Fisher
Data security makes headlines this week, and two companies announce Docker-related product updates. Heavybit offers another round of developer-focused podcasts and welcomes a new member.
Spotlight on Data Privacy
Apple responds to a court order that would give the U.S. government access to an encrypted phone used by one of the San Bernardino shooters. In a letter to its customers, CEO Tim Cook defends his company’s stance against developing the necessary software. “Building a version of iOS that bypasses security in this way would undeniably create a backdoor,” Cook writes. “And while the government may argue that its use would be limited to this case, there is no way to guarantee such control.”
Data privacy was a hot topic at the Developer Week Breakthrough Startup Competition as winners included SAASPASS, a cloud-based authentication service that implements QR barcodes, and LeapYear which offers information encryption and analytics. The first-place winner was Cocoon Cam, a next-gen baby monitor that relays vitals such as temperature and heart rate to a user’s mobile app.
Back on the Rails
Paul Burt is a developer evangelist with and a recent speaker at the San Francisco Ruby on Rails meetup. He recaps the event in a blog post that includes summaries and slides from fellow presenters Jared Rader of Bloc and Mike Neumegen of Cloud Cannon who discuss static site generators, DCI (Data, Context, Interaction) and more. The next meetup on the group’s agenda, Protonight, pairs random developers for a two-hour hackathon and is scheduled for March 14.
Updates with Docker
Codenvy offers Docker-powered collaborative workspace environments, and this week the company announced a new beta. The latest release is built on the Eclipse Che IDE and aims for improved agility through continuous delivery.
Codeship continues to deliver continuous integration with the rollout of Jet (Ed. Note: Jet has since been rebranded as “Codeship Pro”), a platform that integrates Docker functionality with existing development workflows. A Codeship webinar on February 25 will go deeper into Docker integration and include live examples.
New From Heavybit
Joining the growing community of Heavybit members is LightStep, a company that gives developers the tools to identify and resolve issues within complex systems including those that use microservices. Learn more about LightStep’s founders here.
Redpoint Ventures’ Scott Raney and Lenny Pruss discuss the current investing climate and make funding forecasts in this week’s Venture Confidential. Listen to Road to Growth with Derek Draper, CEO of Pattern, to hear about sales hiring strategies and compensation models, as well as optimizing CRMs for better value.
For more developer-based news and content, check back with the Heavybit blog, or browse Heavybit’s Library for in-depth talks from industry leaders on how to grow your company. Is there some news, events or developer-related content you’d like to see on the next Heavybit Dev Tools Digest? Contact us, we’d love to hear from you.