DevToolsDigest: Issue #5
This week’s Dev Tools Digest touches on log management and agile development as well as new releases from Docker, Stripe and Gitlab.
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- Francisco Fisher
Docker released Datacenter this week, and we’ve seen announcements from Stripe and Gitlab highlighting new product updates. Takipi compares log management solutions, and Gradle talks continuous building as described in this edition of Dev Tools Digest.
Keeping it Continuous
In a recent post, Docker announces a way to give customers more administrative control over their containers applications with Docker Datacenter (DDC). This new Docker-native component allows for a Containers as a Service (CaaS) system for more seamless agile development. A Docker webinar on CaaS can be viewed here. You can also check out Docker senior engineer Jérôme Petazzoni’s Speaker Series presentation on lean containers.
The folks at Gradle make a case for continuous build and demonstrate how to do so using Gradle 2.11, the latest version of the build automation system.
APIs on the Move
Runscope suggests you include documentation, testing and caching at every stage of your API development process. In a blog post published this week, key lessons in API development are demonstrated in a video featuring Phil Sturgeon, software engineer at Ride and author of “Build APIs You Won’t Hate.”
For more on API applications, check out Stripe’s product engineering lead Amber Feng’s presentation on API usage that includes transactions made through her company. Stripe unveiled Atlas this week, the latest step toward a global use of their product. Atlas allows for international applicants to more easily incorporate U.S. companies and accept payments through Stripe’s services.
Looking at APIs and security, the API Discovery group hosts a developer meetup at Heavybit on March 2 to cover “Reinventing Data Security.” Speakers include Neil Mansilla, VP of Developer Relations at Runscope, Adam Ghetti, founder of Ionic, and Joël Franusic, developer evangelist at Okta. RSVP today!
Faster, Better, Stronger
Gitlab releases an update for their repository manager with Github 8.5. According to a recent post, changes include faster performance for merge requests and retrieving update times for events.
Takipi compares two log management solutions, Splunk and the ELK Elastic Stack. A post on Takipi’s blog describes the benefits and drawbacks for each, from installation to implementation, depending on development needs.
New From Heavybit
In the latest episode of the Zero To Won podcast, James Lindenbaum, founder of Heroku and Heavybit, shares tips and frameworks for scaling your company while retaining quality.
To Be Continuous features a conversation between CircleCI’s Paul Biggar and LaunchDarkly’s Edith Harbaugh regarding her ReadWrite article in which Harbaugh recommends forgoing staging servers for better continuous delivery.
Don’t Make Me Code brings together Steve Boak, co-founder and CPO at Opsee, with David Dollar, co-founder and CEO at Convox for a comparison of developer types and the diverse ways they design and use dev tools.
For more developer-based news and content, check back with the Heavybit blog, or browse Heavybit’s Library for in-depth talks from industry leaders on how to grow your company. Is there some news, events or developer-related content you’d like to see on the next Heavybit Dev Tools Digest? Contact us, we’d love to hear from you.