1. DevToolsDigest
  2. issue #92

DevToolsDigest: Issue #92

2018's last digest includes news and resources from Microsoft, Particle, Red Hat, the New York Times, Reddit, SoftBank, and more. See you again on January 11th, 2019 for the next weekly digest. 

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Heavybit's DevToolsDigest is a weekly curated selection of the best resources, product updates, jobs, and discussions in the developer tools industry.

    4 MIN

    The Week in Developer Tools

    Red Hat Contributes etcd, the Cornerstone of Kubernetes, to the Cloud Native Computing Foundation

    The etcd project’s focus is safely storing critical data of a distributed system and it demonstrated its quality early on. It is most notably the primary datastore of Kubernetes, the de facto standard system for container orchestration.

    SF-4: Serverless Latency?

    La­ten­cy con­ver­sa­tions are al­most all about com­pute la­ten­cy; in the AWS con­tex­t, that means Lamb­da func­tions and Far­gate con­tain­er­s. For server­less mes­sag­ing ser­vices like SQS and databas­es like Dy­namoDB, the an­swer is gen­er­al­ly “fast enough to not wor­ry about.”

    Three Things to Take Away From re:Invent 2018

    Instead of attempting to document every last facet of the sprawling event, it’s useful to take a critical eye to the sea of announcements and extract the big picture narratives: what did the show mean, both for Amazon and for the market it inhabits?

    Microsoft Open Sources Trill to Deliver Insights on a Trillion Events a Day

    In today’s high-productivity environment, processing large amounts of data each millisecond is becoming a common business requirement. This is why an internal Microsoft project named for “a trillion events per day” is now available under open-source as Trill.

    Industry Research

    The Future of IoT: 2018 Surprises and 2019 Predictions

    At the beginning of 2018, it felt like the IoT industry was on the cusp of a technology revolution. Autonomous driving was a huge topic of conversation in IoT. Today, it seems like we are further from making autonomous driving a reality, as it turns out self-driving cars aren’t yet road-ready.

    The Yoda of Silicon Valley

    Donald Knuth, master of algorithms, reflects on 50 years of his opus-in-progress, “The Art of Computer Programming.”

    Everything You Should Know About Certificates and PKI but are Too Afraid to Ask

    It's universal and vendor neutral. It works everywhere so bits of your system can run anywhere and communicate securely. It's conceptually simple and super flexible. It lets you use TLS and ditch VPNs. You can ignore everything about your network and still have strong security characteristics.

    Envoy Proxy at Reddit

    Reddit’s engineering team and product complexity has seen significant growth over the last three years. Facilitating that growth has taken a lot of behind-the-scenes evolution of Reddit’s backend infrastructure. 

    Developer Venture News

    SoftBank’s Vision Fund is Preparing to Invest $1B in Grab

    SoftBank’s Vision Fund is set to continue its recent spree of investments in Asian tech unicorns. The mega fund — which is targeted at $100 billion — is planning to invest upwards of $1 billion into Southeast Asia’s ride-hailing leader Grab

    From The Heavybit Library

    Looking Ahead: 2019 Developer Tool Trends

    Hard to believe it’s almost time to close the books on 2018. As we reflect here at Heavybit on everything that happened this year in the developer tools ecosystem, GP Joe Ruscio has identified a set of emergent trends that I expect to increasingly dominate the discussion in 2019.

    Winter Break Resources: Reflecting on Your Leadership Style

    We’re about to go into a period of downtime, or at the very least, a period of reduced meetings. Founders, managers, and aspiring managers have a chance to reflect on their team productivity, their relationships with individual colleagues, and their own management styles. This is a great time to dig deep and look into how you might better manage your team in 2019.